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‘Flame Seedless’ grapes

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‘Flame Seedless’ grapes are medium to large, oval-shaped, and have a bright red skin. They are known for their sweet flavor and crisp texture, making them a popular choice for fresh consumption.


  • Harvest Time: Typically harvested in mid to late summer (January to March ).Grapes transition from green to bright red as they ripen.

General Information

  • Species: Vitis vinifera
  • Climate Requirements:

Thrives in warm climates, ideally between 20°C and 30°C.Requires moderate chill hours for optimal fruiting. Prefers well-draining, sandy or loamy soils rich in organic matter.

  • Uses:
    • Eaten fresh, in fruit salads, or used in desserts; also suitable for juice production.
    • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Care Tips


  • Water deeply and consistently, especially during dry spells; ensure good drainage to avoid waterlogging.


  • Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring and again after harvest to support healthy growth.


  • Prune in late winter or early spring to shape the vines and improve air circulation.

Pest Management:

  • Monitor for pests like grapevine moths and aphids; use organic pest control methods as needed.


  • Harvest when grapes are fully colored and sweet; cut clusters carefully to prevent damage.


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