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Pepino Melon [Solanum muricatum]

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The pepino melon, or Solanum muricatum, produces oval-shaped fruits that are typically yellow with purple stripes. They have a sweet, juicy flesh with a flavor reminiscent of a mix between cucumber and melon, making them a refreshing snack.


Fruits ripen from late summer to early autumn (February to Apri). Changes from green to yellow with purple stripes as it matures.

General Information

  • Climate Requirements:

Prefers warm, subtropical climates,  suitable for warm regions. Thrives in well-draining, fertile loamy soils.

  • Uses:
    • Eaten fresh, added to salads, or used in desserts and smoothies.
    • Rich in vitamins A and C, providing health benefits.

Care Tips


  • Water regularly to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry spells.


  • Apply a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season for optimal growth.


  • Prune to remove dead or damaged leaves and to encourage better air circulation.

Pest Management:

  • Monitor for pests like aphids and spider mites; use organic pest control methods as needed.


  • Harvest when fruits are fully yellow and slightly soft; gently twist or cut them from the plant.


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