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‘Pinotage’ grapes

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‘Pinotage’ grapes are medium-sized, round, and dark purple to black. They are known for their unique flavor profile, often combining berry and smoky notes, producing rich and complex red wines.


Typically harvested in late summer to early autumn (March to April ).Grapes transition from green to deep purple as they ripen.

General Information

  • Climate Requirements:

Thrives in warm climates, ideally between 20°C and 30°C.Prefers well-draining soils, including sandy loams and clay.

  • Uses: Primarily used for producing red wines; valued for its bold flavors and aging potential.

Care Tips


  • Water deeply and consistently, particularly during dry spells; ensure good drainage.


  • Apply balanced fertilizer in early spring; avoid excessive nitrogen to prevent overly vigorous growth.


  • Prune in late winter or early spring to manage vine shape and improve sunlight exposure.

Pest Management:

  • Monitor for pests like grapevine moths and diseases such as powdery mildew; implement integrated pest management strategies.


  • Harvest when grapes are fully colored and sweet; cut clusters carefully to minimize damage.


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